This download-only bundle includes Illusions from Philip Venables Debut Disc, Below the Belt, alongside the accompanying video featuring David Hoyle's impassioned rant about everything from politics and gender to sodomy and revolution. The interplay between music and the cut-up video snippets of Hoyle searing and topical polemic is reflected in the erratic, boisterous and aggressive nature of the composition. The piece is written for an ensemble of nine musicians and is an extended and further developed version of Philip Venables’ existing composition which was part of the London Sinfonietta’s Notes to the New Government in May 2015.
All purchases of the Venables album Below the Belt will include a free download code for this track in the accompanying booklet.
NB: This piece contains strong language and sexual references. Suitable for ages 18+ only.
London Sinfonietta
David Hoyle performance artist
Richard Baker conductor