National Youth Choir Young Composers is an annual initiative which identifies and develops four talented composers aged 18-29 who are passionate about creating high-quality and imaginative new music for vocal ensembles. Now entering in its sixth year, the scheme aims to challenge perceptions and support the development, innovation and diversity of new choral music. Running over a whole year, it offers a four-phase programme (Discovery, Exploration, Realisation and Promotion) including residential courses, workshops, peer and professional mentoring, digital releases and performance showcases.
NMC is the digital partner of NYC's Young Composers scheme, working with the composers each year to create a commercial digital release of the works they have composed through the scheme. Having their music released on NMC significantly raises awareness of the Young Composers and their work; previous releases in the series have been played on BBC Radio, have been reviewed in publications such as the Guardian and BBC Music Magazine, and won awards.

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