Launched in 2012, the series currently features 25 albums; many have achieved exceptional reviews and awards from media worldwide. This exposure has provided a variety of opportunities for the composers involved, including commissions, performances and residencies.

NMC’s Debut Discs are musical calling cards, crucial for talented composers in the early stages of their careers since they enable promoters, commissioners and audiences to hear their work.

'A happy consequence of Britain and Ireland's thriving music scene is its continuous flow of new talent; a stream, no, a river of exciting new composers who are building major reputations at home and abroad. If they aren’t recorded, we’ll never get to know them properly. Who has the ability and the know-how to produce these essential Debut Discs? It has to be NMC, of course!' - Judith Weir, Former Master of the Queen’s Music; Debut Discs Ambassador

Find out more about our Debut Discs series here


Linda Buckley: From Ocean's Floor

NMC Recordings
£ 12.99

Martin Suckling: This Departing Landscape

NMC Recordings
£ 12.99

Tom Coult: Pieces That Disappear

NMC Recordings
£ 12.99

Lisa Illean: arcing, stilling, bending, gathering

NMC Recordings
£ 12.99

Richard Baker: The Tyranny of Fun

NMC Recordings
£ 12.99

Ailís Ní Ríain: The Last Time I Died

NMC Recordings
£ 12.99

Freya Waley-Cohen: Spell Book

NMC Recordings
£ 12.99

Ryan Latimer: Antiarkie

NMC Recordings
£ 12.99

Joanna Bailie: Artificial Environments

NMC Recordings
£ 12.99

Edmund Finnis: The Air, Turning

NMC Recordings
£ 12.99

Helen Grime: Night Songs

NMC Recordings
£ 12.99

Emily Howard: Magnetite

NMC Recordings
£ 12.99





